Announcing IPUMS PMA

IPUMS has an exciting new data project to announce: IPUMS PMA!

IPUMS PMA is the integrated version of Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 (PMA2020), a series of high-frequency, nationally-representative surveys about family planning, water, sanitation, and health in 10 FP2020-pledging countries. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in partnership with a team at Johns Hopkins University, the PMA2020 data series is comprised of household, female, and service delivery point questionnaires for monitoring progress towards FP2020 goals.

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IPUMS FAQs: Can you help me locate my relatives?

At IPUMS we try to address every user’s questions and suggestions about our data. It is just one feature that adds value to IPUMS data. Over time, many questions are often repeated. In this blog series, we will be sharing some of these frequently asked questions. Maybe you’ll learn something, or perhaps you’ll just find these interesting. Regardless, we hope you enjoy.

Here’s one of those questions:

Can you help me locate my relatives?

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IPUMS Now Has Harmonized Data on Youth Health and Risk Behaviors

IPUMS is offering harmonized versions of two important youth health surveys: the National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS). This work was done in collaboration with NORC at the University of Chicago and with funding from the Food and Drug Administration Center for Tobacco Products. Funding did not include a dissemination system, but IPUMS and NORC did not want this valuable work to be lost, so interested researchers may download a single file for each dataset that harmonizes all variables and contains all available years of data (as of June 2017).

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