The Minnesota Population Center (MPC) is a University of Minnesota-wide research unit established by the Vice President for Research under “New Initiatives in Interdisciplinary Research.” Ten colleges at the University participate in the MPC: College of Liberal Arts (CLA), Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, College of Human Ecology, Law School, Carlson School of Management, School of Public Health, College of Agriculture, College of Science & Engineering, the College of Design, and Medical School.
Members share a commitment to cross-disciplinary research and a focus on the analysis of demographic behavior across time and space. Our membership has a strong empirical orientation, and much of our work involves large-scale data analysis and policy-relevant research. Research strengths include historical demography, population geography, labor-force studies, migration and immigration, health behavior, healthcare access and use, life-course studies, education, and family demography.
The MPC Director and Associate Director are responsible for overseeing and coordinating the day-to-day activities of the Center. The Directors consult with the Advisory Board about major budgetary issues and new Center initiatives. The Advisory Board is responsible for approving admission of new members. MPC provides support to our members through shared research support cores.