By Stacy Nordstrom
We attend the Population Association of America (PAA) annual meeting every year and we are always inspired by the outstanding research being shared. We love having conversations with users at our booth, at poster sessions, at presentations, or even just in the lobby. This year was a little extra special because we also gathered to celebrate 30 years of IPUMS.

We also were thrilled to celebrate with Elizabeth Heger Boyle. She was honored with the Harriet B. Presser Award for her record of sustained research contributions to the study of gender and demography. Dr. Boyle pioneered IPUMS Global Health, democratizing access to women and children’s health data and unleashing innovative new streams of cross-national comparative research.

It’s always exciting to see the many posters and presentations using IPUMS. Here’s just a sliver of some of the posters at PAA this year that were #poweredbyIPUMS.
We left New Orleans feeling inspired to keep democratizing data access and looking forward to next year’s meeting. Until we see you in Columbus for PAA 2024, use the #poweredbyIPUMS and tag us on social media @ipums.