by Devon Kristiansen
IPUMS was proud to partake in the International Conference on Family Planning in Pattaya City, Thailand. We participated by hosting a pre-conference workshop, sponsoring the conference, staffing an exhibit both, and presenting research as part of the conference program. The conference, held between November 14th and 17th, 2022, had 3,500 in-person attendees, with many virtual participants, as well.
Research staff representing IPUMS PMA, IPUMS DHS, IPUMS MICS, and IPUMS International conducted a 2-hour pre-conference workshop, providing participants with an overview of each of the IPUMS data collections featuring international data as well as a website and data analysis demonstration.

As conference sponsors, we were thrilled about opening ceremony presentations from Dr. Natalia Kanem (Executive Director, UNFPA), Dr. Atul Gawande (Assistant Administrator for Global Health, USAID), Dr. Anita Zaidi (President, Gender Equality, The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation), as well as a video address from Melinda Gates and dance performances based on Thai legend.

In the exhibit hall we connected with hundreds of attendees about IPUMS, many of whom were new to IPUMS data and services.

Our research staff also presented two posters and a flash presentation during conference:
- “The impact of armed conflict on spontaneous and induced abortions in Burkina Faso”, by Maya Luetke, Kathryn Grace, Jiao Yu, and Matt Gunther
- “Factors Associated with Contraceptive Use Profiles in Two sub-Saharan African Countries: A Sequence Analysis”, by Jiao Yu and Devon Kristiansen
- “Economic reliance, income loss, and intimate partner violence experience among nationally-representative samples of women in Burkina Faso and Kenya”, by Devon Kristiansen and Maya Luetke

Thank you to all of the attendees for sharing your work, and a special thank you to those who made time to talk data with us. We look forward to seeing you at the next ICFP!