Harmonized Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) Data Now in IPUMS DHS

By Miriam King, Senior Research Scientist

Malaria is a pressing global health problem, with nearly 250 million malaria cases in 2022, according to the World Health Organization. Approximately 95 percent of malaria deaths were in Africa, with three-quarters of those deaths to children under 5. Climate change is increasing the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria. When IPUMS DHS recently received supplemental funding to support research on Climate Change Effects on Health, adding data on malaria was a top priority. Specifically, IPUMS DHS chose to integrate data from the DHS Malaria Indicator Surveys (MIS).

MIS have been fielded in nearly 30 African countries during the twenty-first century. Developed under an international partnership coordinating efforts to fight malaria, MIS surveys include some standard DHS variables on topics such as demographics, fertility, and household characteristics. MIS questionnaires also include hundreds of questions related to malaria. People’s knowledge about malaria causes, symptoms, and prevention; use of bednets; diagnosis and treatment of malaria, especially for pregnant women and children; exposure to public health messaging; and diagnostic blood testing for malaria in children under 5 are among the topics covered.

Map of Africa with the countries with MIS data in IPUMS DHS filled in with purple
Figure 1: Countries with MIS Data in IPUMS DHS

IPUMS DHS users now have access to harmonized data from 38 MIS samples, with geographic coverage shown in Figure 1. We prioritized harmonizing responses to MIS questions that matched variables already in the IPUMS DHS database, for approximately 700 widely available variables.

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Celebrating 30 Years: Three Decades of IPUMS Data

By Diana L. Magnuson; Curator and Historian, ISRDI

"Celebrating 30 years: three decades of IPUMS data" display case with promotional materials, swag items, and historical IPUMS items
“Celebrating 30 years: three decades of IPUMS data” display case at ISRDI Headquarters

“Celebrating 30 Years: Three Decades of IPUMS Data,” the current exhibit at ISRDI Headquarters, highlights thirty years of data innovation at the University of Minnesota. In the late 1980s, the Social History Research Laboratory at the University of Minnesota’s History Department proposed “the creation of a single integrated microdata series composed of public use samples for every year … with the exception of the 1890 census, which was destroyed by fire.” The primary aim was to make the U.S. census microdata “as compatible over time as possible while losing little, if any, of the detail in the original datasets.” (Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: A Prospectus).

Steven Ruggles remembers the moment he went into the History Department lounge on the sixth floor of the Social Science Tower and said, “IPUMS! Integrated Public Use Microdata Series! Isn’t that a great idea?” The response from the graduate research assistants was not enthusiastic. “What a terrible name! You can’t call it that!” According to Ruggles, “It was universal; everyone thought it was just a horrible name … It wasn’t a bad idea to propose, just a terrible thing to call it.” After a brief quandary over pronunciation (Ī-pŭms or Ĭ-pŭms), the name has stuck and is now synonymous with social research, data innovation, and free access. And for the record, we don’t care how you pronounce it, just as long as you cite it!

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Digitizing and Exploring Qatar’s Population Censuses

By Shine Min Thant

Qatar, a small yet influential state in the Middle East, is a very interesting case study for demographic research because of its rapid development over the past thirty years. Qatar occupies a peninsula only slightly larger than the U.S. state of Rhode Island that juts out into the Persian Gulf from its border with Saudi Arabia. The country has experienced relatively rapid economic growth since the late 20th century, mainly due to its vast reserves of natural gas and oil. This newfound wealth allowed Qatar to invest heavily in its healthcare, infrastructure, and education – therefore making the country an ideal case study for social change and development. Additionally, a recent surge in Qatar’s immigrant population (which constitutes over 78 percent of the population) also makes it an ideal country to study social mobility and social change.

As part of the ISRDI Diversity Fellowship Program, I worked with Dr. Tracy Kugler, Professor Steven Manson, Professor Evan Roberts, and undergraduate student Rawan AlGahtani on a project to examine Qatar’s change using census data from 1984, 1997, and 2004. Summary tables from all three censuses were previously only available as printed documents. As a first step, we needed to transform the data from a hard-to-get printed format to widely accessible IPUMS IHGIS format. This process included multiple steps from conducting optical character recognition (OCR) to conducting data quality checks using R scripts (Figure 1).

Figure 1: IPUMS IHGIS Workflow

A workflow schematic that highlights the process of preparing summary tables and source shapefiles into consistent and machine-readable formats via IPUMS IHGIS

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New Data Release from IPUMS International – From Mexico to MOSAIC

By Lara Cleveland and Jane Lee

IPUMS International has released new data! Eighteen new census samples have been added to the collection, including data from Côte d’Ivoire, which is new to IPUMS International. Newly released census samples include Cambodia (2019), Côte d’Ivoire (1988, 1998), Denmark (1845, 1880, 1885), Laos (1995, 2015), Mexico (2020), Peru (2017), Puerto Rico (2015, 2020), Switzerland (2011), United Kingdom (1961, 1971), United States (2015, 2020) and Vietnam (2019). As always, we gratefully acknowledge the national statistical offices of all the countries partnering with IPUMS International to make data available for research.

New geography variables are also now available with harmonized migration variables at the second-administrative level; the codes for the newly released migration variables match existing IPUMS International geography codes and labels. As an example, the geographic units in the migration variable for Mexico at the municipo level (place of residence 5 years ago, MIG2_5_MX) are reconciled to the boundaries for place of current residence (GEO2_MX).

This is a map showing the 2020 census 5-year migration rates for GEO1 in Mexico, and GEO2 in Nuevo Leon state
2020 census 5-year migration rates for GEO1 in Mexico, and GEO2 in Nuevo Leon state. Map by Quinn Heimann

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New IPUMS DHS Climate Change and Health Research Hub

By Miriam King, Senior Research Scientist

Men wading through flood watersIn October 2023, the World Health Organization stated, “3.6 billion people already live in areas highly susceptible to climate change. Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year, from undernutrition, malaria, diarrhea and heat stress alone.”

The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) are an ideal source for research on the health effects of climate change. Since the 1980s, the DHS has collected a broad range of nationally representative health data from over 90 countries. With supplemental funding from NICHD, harmonized DHS data from IPUMS (dhs.ipums.org) is now doing more to support research on the effects of climate change on health. We are adding new contextual variables; we are integrating data from Malaria Indicator Surveys (MIS); and we are offering guidance through the new Climate Change and Health Research Hub.

Sound research on climate change and health requires combining social science and health data with natural science data. While social scientists and public health researchers have considerable experience analyzing health survey data, few have been trained in simultaneously employing data on environmental factors. This knowledge gap is addressed by the Climate Change and Health Research Hub, under the leadership of Dr. Kathryn Grace and Senior Data Analyst Finn Roberts.

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IPUMS Announces 2023 Research Award Recipients

IPUMS research awardsIPUMS is excited to announce the winners of its annual IPUMS Research Awards. These awards honor the best published research and nominated graduate student papers from 2023 that use IPUMS data to advance or deepen our understanding of social and demographic processes.

The 2023 competition awarded prizes for the best published and best graduate student research in eight categories:

  1. IPUMS USA, providing data from the U.S. decennial censuses, the American Community Survey, and includes full count data, from 1850 to the present.
  2. IPUMS CPS, providing data from the monthly U.S. labor force survey, the Current Population Survey (CPS), from 1962 to the present.
  3. IPUMS International, providing harmonized data contributed by more than 100 international statistical office partners; it currently includes information on over 1 billion people in more than 547 censuses and surveys from around the world, from 1960 forward.
  4. IPUMS Health Surveys, which makes available the U.S. National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS).
  5. IPUMS Spatial, covering IPUMS NHGIS, IPUMS IHGIS, IPUMS Terra, and IPUMS CDOH. NHGIS includes U.S. census summary tables and GIS boundary files from 1790 to the present; IHGIS provides data tables from population and housing censuses as well as agricultural censuses from around the world; Terra (now decommissioned) provided data on population and the environment from 1960 to the present; CDOH provides access to measures of disparities, policies, and counts, by state and county, for historically marginalized populations in the US.
  6. IPUMS Global Health, providing harmonized data from the Demographic and Health Surveys and the Performance Monitoring and Accountability surveys, for low and middle-income countries from the 1980s to the present.
  7. IPUMS Time Use, providing time diary data from the U.S. and around the world from 1965 to the present.
  8. IPUMS Excellence in Research, The IPUMS mission of democratizing data demands that we increase representation of scholars from groups that are systemically excluded in research spaces. This award is an opportunity to highlight and reward outstanding work using any of the IPUMS data collections by authors who are underrepresented in social science research*.

Over 1,200 publications based on IPUMS data appeared in journals, magazines, and newspapers worldwide last year. From these publications and from nominated graduate student papers, the award committees selected the 2023 honorees.

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