2019 ASEC Data Now Available from IPUMS CPS

As summer turns to fall, we look forward to changing leaves, hot cider, and a fresh crop of crisp new ASEC data! This year’s ASEC comes with many changes and improvements to family relationship, income, and health insurance data. So unpack your favorite sweater, fill your favorite mug with a warm beverage, and settle in for a run-down of the new and improved 2019 ASEC.

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Homeownership and Race in the Twin Cities: Applying IPUMS NHGIS Geographically Standardized Time Series Data

Geographically standardized time series tables from IPUMS NHGIS give users powerful new abilities to analyze census tables and geographic data across time. 

NHGIS time series tables link together comparable statistics from multiple U.S. censuses. Geographic standardization refers to harmonizing data from separate censuses to align with a consistent set of geographic boundaries. At this time, NHGIS provides 1990, 2000, and 2010 data harmonized to 2010 census units. Subsequent releases of American Community Survey (ACS) summary data also generally use 2010 census units, making it possible to link NHGIS time series directly to ACS data for any year since 2010.

In this post, we apply this innovative NHGIS data product to explore homeownership rates in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis–Saint Paul, Minnesota), comparing rates of homeownership between black and white householders for 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2013-2017 ACS 5-Year Estimates.

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IPUMS International 2019 Data Release

It’s that time of year again: IPUMS International data release season! This year’s release includes new 20% samples for all current Brazil data sets, additional samples for Cambodia, Fiji, and Nepal, new samples for Guatemala, Laos, Russia, and Togo, and Labor Force Survey samples for Spain and Italy. All of these new samples and all current data can be accessed at international.ipums.org.

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IPUMS CPS Now Offering Unharmonized Variables

Have you ever wanted to include a Current Population Survey (CPS) variable in your analysis that isn’t available in IPUMS CPS? Maybe you have even gone through the drudgery of merging original CPS data onto your IPUMS CPS extract. Well, no more! IPUMS CPS is now offering original basic monthly CPS data as unharmonized variables to save you the trouble. And we’re not stopping there — ASEC and topical supplement unharmonized variables are in the pipeline!

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IPUMS Time Use Research in Action

This past month, the IPUMS Time Use team attended the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) meetings, which were held in Washington, DC from July 10-12. The meetings were engaging and inspiring, and there were many papers featuring IPUMS Time Use data. We love seeing our data being used! This blog post features some of the research that was powered by IPUMS.

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In the Archive: “25 Years of IPUMS Data”

“25 Years of IPUMS Data,” the current IPUMS/MPC archive exhibit, highlights a dynamic quarter center history of data innovation at the University of Minnesota. In the late 1980s, the Social History Research Laboratory at the University of Minnesota’s History Department proposed “the creation of a single integrated microdata series composed of public use samples for every year … with the exception of the 1890 census, which was destroyed by fire.”  The primary aim was to make the U.S. census microdata “as compatible over time as possible while losing little, if any, of the detail in the original datasets” (Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: A Prospectus).

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