The IPUMS journey to global domination dissemination is being celebrated this summer through an exhibit in the Seminar Room at the Minnesota Population Center.
Building Community through Education, Sociability, and Shared History
Building a strong sense of community is fundamental to nurturing and sustaining successful organizations. IPUMS and the MPC pursue three avenues—educational, social, and historical—for building community for its faculty, research associates, staff, and affiliates.
Data Release: U.S. Household-level Full Count Data from 1790-1840
In collaboration with our partners at, the Minnesota Population Center has released new historical census data through IPUMS-USA. Full count data for 1790-1840 is available via IPUMS-USA as household-level and county-level datasets* for each decennial census year and for the combined years, 1790-1840.
Wrangling International Census Tables
IPUMS-International currently disseminates census microdata from 82 countries around the world. It’s an impressive collection. But it still only covers about half the world’s countries. Under the TerraPop project, we are working to assemble a truly comprehensive global collection of population data.
IPUMS Data Release: 2015 ACS Microdata Now Available
The team at IPUMS-USA is excited to announce the release of the 2015 American Community Survey (ACS) microdata file. IPUMS USA now contains 16 years of yearly ACS microdata for analysis. For researchers, ACS data is the most frequently used IPUMS data.
New IPUMS CPS Variable Links Records Across Data Files
IPUMS CPS has added a new variable to unlock longitudinal information in CPS data called CPSIDP. The identifier, the result of a major initiative from the Minnesota Population Center, uniquely identifies individuals who are in the CPS and is assigned to the individual in each of the (up to) eight times over sixteen months that the individual is in the survey.
Learning from Data: From Systemization to Investigation
Benjamin Hartman is a 2016 Summer Diversity Fellow at the MPC. As part of his fellowship, he learned how to take unprocessed data to produce harmonized IPUMS-I data and documentation, make GIS maps, and conduct his own case study investigating the spatial dimensions of internal migration using the Cambodian census. Hartman worked with his colleagues in IPUMS International to create this blog post.